Knowing you are is essential to knowing where you want to go.
We've developed a tool that gives you an Xponential Score across 11 core life dimensions in just 11 minutes.
Let me know what you think of it.
Deb and I are heading to Indianapolis today to speak at the Renew Gathering on beating burnout and leading powerfully. If you ask me, the second thing invites the first thing. Yet, we are all called to lead, frequently in multiple environments, starting with our families.
My wife and three daughters are the joy of my life, and with that comes responsibility. As a business leader, I am responsible for my staff and clients. As a church leader, I am responsible for my community. As a philanthropist, I am responsible for the people we serve through our charity.
Here's a list of what helps me bridge the tension between leadership and burnout:
Perspective - a daily contemplative practice calibrates my priorities and eliminates stress.
Community - having a tribe is the most natural way to both serve and be served by others.
Mentorship - earning mentors' love, time, and attention helps me see around corners.
Clarity - relentlessly clarifying my calling and priorities helps me avoid going in circles.
Focused Essentialism - saying no to things and people helps me keep me moving.
Collaboration - layers of allies and partners help me amplify my efforts.
Systems - systems keep me sane and effective.
What would you add to this list?
Speaking of calling, I believe we all have a calling or vocation, and the best way to thrive is to find and live it. Pursuing clarity around my calling has tremendously benefited me. In our next webinar on May 25th, I'll detail exactly how I find and live my calling. Spots are running out, so grab yours or add your name to a waitlist.
My friend and Xponential coaching program alum Taekwondo Grand Master John Park is celebrating the University of Texas' 5th consecutive national championship win.
I interviewed him about the big win, being part of Taekwondo royalty, and how the stuff we coach leaders in has helped him perform at a higher level for the UT Team.
I highly recommend watching this episode - it’s an epic story.
What I'm reading:
Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestly - a wonderful book for business leaders looking to focus on quality over quantity.
Age of Revolutions by Fareed Zakaria - I've followed Fareed's work for decades. If you want to make more sense of the chaos and tectonic shifts happening in the world today, this is a good read.
What I'm watching:
Civil War—This film received a fair amount of criticism, I think, because people were expecting an action movie, which it was not. It's a wonderfully crafted story of war journalists traveling through a civil war in America. We watched it on IMAX.
Freud's Last Session - is an imagined conversation between an ailing Sigmund Freud and C.S Lewis about love, family, and the existence of God. It is a rich story of what may have happened. Anthony Hopkins is his usual genius, and so is Matthew Goode.
Let me know what you think of my interview with Grand Master John Park and what you would like me to post about in the future.
Thanks for being part of Headspace!