Can you reprogram your life for higher living?
My guest Leo Ramirez thinks you can and you should
The Labor Day weekend bumped my plans to post this on Saturday Morning, but here it is.
Can you reprogram your life for higher, better, happier outcomes in a matter of weeks? According to Leo Ramirez - you can and you should. If you want to live out what you were put on this earth to do, watch this video.
If you are a leader and innovator of any kind, Leo’s story will inspire you and equip you. From humble beginnings to an Ivy League education to becoming a tech founder of a startup focusing on Philanthropic giving - Leo is an excellent example of how to navigate past and present adversity as well as develop a vision for the future. Let me know what you think in the comments section here or on the YT channel.
If you want to learn more about the tools Leo and I discuss in this video. You can get access to a free masterclass here.
I’m working on a solo episode of HS, which I’ll post this Saturday, devoted to a granular look at romance and marriage and based on the 24th wedding anniversary this week and the myriad of lessons learned on our journey. If you have any specific questions or insights you’d like me to address in the video, send me your questions directly or in the comments section.