My wife Deb and I spent a few hours at a local vineyard, sipping excellent Texas wine and witnessing an annular solar eclipse - a "ring of fire" of the sun peeking from behind the moon's silhouette in a glorious golden crown.
And yes, a local live band started playing Johnny Cash’s "Ring of Fire" as this happened. Perfection.
The orderly magnificence in the heavens contrasted with the chaos we’re experiencing on Earth, reminding us that there are laws governing the movements of life, even when it seems heartbreakingly random.
Have you heard this expression?
"Your life is perfectly designed for the results you are getting."
It can invoke a list of strengths that helped us get where we are in a season of success and a list of excuses and exceptions to the rule when we are in a season of drought.
It can also be discouraging in its cold judgment. Whether in desperation or celebration, we usually experience both simultaneously in different dimensions of life. We are in perpetual ache and rebirth, beautifully described in the book of Romans.
"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." - Romans 8:22
The groaning and the pain are all part of the miracle of new life. Most avoid this pain at all costs, also avoiding the birth of new life.
If we want to rise like others don’t, we must be willing to do what others don’t.
What does this look like in your life?
My latest episode of Headspace goes deep into this by flipping something that has consistently annoyed me on its head.
I've pursued several endeavors: entrepreneur, evangelist, philanthropist, and coach, but the one that people seem to bring up the most is that of a pop star.
I'm equally proud of the work I've done in all my endeavors, but I understand the mystique behind being able to command the love and attention of millions. It is unique, and few people experience it, but the mindset behind getting there can be applied to any endeavor.
In this video, I unpack the three mindset shifts that have to happen for you to be a Rockstar in Anything. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section here or on YouTube.
I'll be going into four shifts to go from Stuck to Soaring on a free live webinar coming up on October 25th at Noon Central. Register here to attend. Spots are limited.
If you're serious about "rebirth" and ready to reveal your blind spots, recalibrate your life, and reclaim your success - my Xponential Life coaching program may be a good fit. To schedule a free life strategy session call with me, click here.
Other stuff I'm enjoying:
If you’re in your 40s or 50s, you’ll probably enjoy the work of Chip Connelly - he was the “modern elder” behind the success of Airb’N’B. His book 12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better with Age is a bestseller, and I’m scheduled to interview him for Headspace later in the fall, an episode to air in January.