Inspiration only goes so far to get you where you want to go. Do this instead...
I had nurtured the idea for years before I took action.
I wanted to create an afterschool academy in Mozambique that would help not only alleviate poverty but also eliminate poverty. It was not about the number of kids in extreme poverty we had helped but the kind of help we provided.
From my years working in the non-profit world internationally, I knew what these kids needed to get out of poverty.
a) Character transformation through mentorship,
b) Computer skills that would make them competitive, and
c) Communication skills in English that would help them be employed anywhere.
I sat on this dream for years before I started the Ascend Academy with the help of dear friends who shared the vision. What kept me from acting on my vision were the surface reasons that are likely keeping most of us from going from point A ( where we are right now) to point B ( where we want to go) right now.
Generalized stress. A broad sense that we are overwhelmed, barely able to keep up with point A, and emotionally unable to take action toward point B.
Unfavorable Circumstances. The circumstances are not ideal, and "now is not a good time" to start moving to point B.
Lack of Resources. Money, time, connections, etc. The classic thought process is "When I have … then I will…"
This is exactly how dreams die.
Occasionally, we get inspiration from a seminar, sermon, book, or a post like this, but inspiration only goes so far. The world changers we admire, whose seminars we attend, and whose books we read - they all know this simple truth:
Stress never disappears, circumstances are never favorable, and resources are always lacking. The only way to reach point B is to start moving decisively in the right direction. ( a small hint ahead of the video where I explain this - speed matters. A lot.)
This is a text from a coaching client right before he closed on his dream house—the last thing he checked off his list of point B's for this year. Before we speak to anyone about helping them get to their point B, we ask them to learn their Xponential Score, a life assessment that keeps getting better and better. You can learn your score here and get a multi-dimensional view of your Point A. The question is, how long do you want to stay at Point A?
It took effort, time, and money to start Ascend Academy. It was stressful; the circumstances were never right, and resources were still lacking. Yet, Ascend Academy is changing kids' lives. Kids like Clara, who wants to be a lawyer. Watch this one-minute video of Clara and her mom.
Click here if you'd like to join the cause and help us get these kids out of poverty.
I recorded this episode of Headspace to share how surprisingly easy it is to overcome the three most common obstacles ( may I say excuses? I don’t judge - I’ve been there many times.)
Good things coming up:
Help me with the book launch. I'm writing chapter 7 of 10 of my Little Book of Big Reasons to Love America. We'll launch the book this fall, and I'd love your help with insights, feedback, picking the cover art, and the actual launch.
I'm looking for 50 people to help with this.
What is required: Step 1 - Buy a deeply discounted copy (the price of a coffee) of the book on Amazon when it launches ( this will give you a verified buyer mark). Step 2- Leave a review about the book. Step 3- I will send you another free and signed book copy. You can then generously give the extra copy to a friend.
Please respond to this email with "I want in." - I'll add you to the book launch squad list.
Sign up for my next free webinar: Find and Live Your Purpose is a free webinar happening on May 25th at noon central time.
We are put on earth for a reason and thrive at our highest levels when we can find and live our purpose with intentionality and passion.
The webinar is limited to 50 spots, and they go fast, so if the topic is relevant, stop what you're doing and claim your spot now. If you see that all the spots have been taken, do not despair—join the waiting list. We ask people who have changed plans to give up their seats to those eager to join.
Our last webinar, Achieve More/Stress Less, had an amazing group join with a lively and insightful discussion.