Secrets of marketplace competence, the practice of gratitude, last show of the stones and some Portuguese
A very special guest of The Tribe Exchange - Steve Garber
Bom Dia!
Posting this on Thanksgiving Day. Again, welcome to my Headspace. The revived and improved newsletter.
Again since I’m starting over - a friendly invitation to those who may not be feeling this to unsubscribe at the bottom of the page. Life and the inbox can sometimes feel cluttered. My aspiration is for Headspace to be a welcome friend, a breath of fresh air, a condensed collection of delicious food for the soul and mind.
So “Adeus” to my departing friends and “Bem Vindo” to new subscribers.
Unless you haven’t noticed, I’m sprinkling in a few words in different languages. This is Portuguese - a melodic language I learned in Mozambique at age 8. More about that later.
Thanksgiving thoughts and a few other treats.
I dug up this quote from the Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown. May you practice gratitude, it is more than a feeling, it is a spiritual practice.
"Without exception, every person I interviewed who described living a joyful life or who described themselves as joyful, actively practiced gratitude and attributed their joyfulness to their gratitude practice. Both joy and gratitude were described as spiritual practices that were bound to a belief in human interconnectedness and a power greater than us.” - Brene Brown, The Gift of Imperfection
Interviews | The Tribe Exchange
I've been looking forward to this talk with my friend Steven Garber for some time now. Is a professor, thinker, writer, and Marketplace Theologian. How’s that for a focus in life? An unusual and intensely needed exploration of his is the seamless life of Marketplace Competence and Theological Maturity. He’s one of the bookmarked and marked up by me author in the last 5-7 years. I am privileged to call Steve a friend. Elias Deleault and I talked to him on The Tribe Exchange.
Highlights from our conversation:
- What Should I Do With My Life? - What is "Marketplace Theology”?- Being A “Signpost” For The World - An Eschatological Hamburger - Vocation vs. Occupation - The Story Of Creation To Consummation - Why is “enlightenment” misleading
- Why it matters to tell a better story - How Theology Can Inform The Marketplace For Better - Utopia or The Kingdom Of Heaven- “A Common Grace For A Common Good”
- The Problem Of Absolute Autonomy - Don’t Blame The World For Being The World…
One of the best storytellers and marketers out there Seth Godin has a podcast! Here it is. You’re welcome.
The gift of imperfection - Brene Brown
It’s a bestseller, not at all obscure and rooted in both research and Brene’s incandescent insights into the human condition. If you somehow missed this gem of a book and her other books, have a read. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I love Ridley Scott. The Last Duel totally bombed in the box office. It must have something to do with reasons other than the actual film because I left this film elevated and delighted. I’ve dabbled in filmmaking and was going to go to film school before I pivoted to economics. Have I become a filmmaker, this would piece would be hard to handle: is the average of 5-7 years, dozens of moving parts, hundreds of days, thousands of hours, millions of dollars that go into creating a film only to for it to “fail”. Well, the Last Duel is a triumph in my book. Watch it and let me know what you think.
I was lucky to enjoy the last show of the Stones US tour in Austin, TX. The music was flawless. They sounded great and Jagger still has the moves. The Rolling Stones are the oldest performing rock band in music history. They started out in London in 1962 and have been commercially successful for over fifty years. Listening to the best Stones covers - I found this absolute gem.
You got the Silver by Susan Tedeschi. Enjoy
Thanks for reading, if you’re enjoying this, send it to some friends. And please share your thoughts in the comments section. I read and enjoy all of them.
Happy Thanksgiving!