This post will be sweet and short.
First of all - wow.
We just crossed 11k subscribers to the Headspace newsletter. Thank you! I'd love to hear from you in the comments about what you love about the newsletter and what you'd like to see me address in the future.
Second - our personalized Xponential Score has opened up a new depth of insight for those who take it. People are seeing areas of life that are strong and others that need work. Data doesn't lie, and it's good to be more fully aware of point A ( where you are now) and how to get to point B ( where you want to go).
A snapshot of a personalized view of an Xponential Score
Third - I consider a strong sense of calling to be one of the top superpowers in human flourishing. When we feel called to do something, we focus better, overcome obstacles, solve problems, deal with rejection and suffering, and find deeper joy.
My next free webinar will explore how to find and live out calling. The webinar will be live only ( no recording) with a cap of 50 people on May 25th. If you don’t find a free spot - add your name to the waiting list.
To get you thinking about this and perhaps prepare questions for the webinar, watch this video from our archives. There is good stuff there, and much more will be discussed at the webinar.
What you may have missed:
My talk with Xponential alum and grand master John Park about a stunning 5x consecutive Taekwondo national championship for the UT Team, the extraordinary back story of a Taekwondo dynasty.
Deb and I taught a class at the gathering in Indianapolis about beating burnout and leading powerfully. I'll post the recording when it comes out.
What I'm watching:
Jerry Seinfeld is at the top of his list with the hilarious comedy Unfrosted, about the war over the invention of the Pop Tart.
Killing Eve - is not a new show, but it's very funny about a lovable psychopath assassin.
What I'm reading: I am still working my way through Fareed Zakaria's Age of Revolutions. If you want a higher-level picture of some of the tectonic shifts happening in the world today. Read this and follow it by Douglas Murray's War on the West. You'll get a balanced perspective from Fareed, who is left-leaning, and Douglas, who is right-leaning. Both recognize the dangers of where we find ourselves in America.