Unlocking the Secrets of Happiness: Insights from the Happy Planet Index
Are you ready to uplevel your happiness game? Discover the secrets behind Costa Rica's remarkable happiness levels and how they've managed to live longer with less resources compared to the US.
Is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a fair measure of our well-being? Robert F. Kennedy thought otherwise and challenged the notion in a 1968 speech. He stated that GDP…
“…measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, It measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”
Join in my conversation with Nic Marks, a renowned expert on happiness. He first got my attention a few years ago with his massively popular and captivating Ted Talk called The Happy Planet Index. From advising governments to working with private companies, Nic has a wealth of knowledge on what makes people, nations, and companies happy. We’re honored to have him on the show.
In a fascinating conversation on Headspace with Christian Ray Flores, Nic delves into the historical and cultural factors that shape our view of happiness. Learn about the surprising influence of native-American values on American culture and how the concepts of pursuit of happiness and property were once closely aligned because happiness meant something a little different when the Constitution was first penned.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Nic Marks, who has a wealth of knowledge on what it takes to achieve happiness. Tune in and enjoy this episode of Headspace. If you find the conversation valuable, make sure to subscribe, comment and share.
P.S. Find the audio version of the Headspace in most podcast platforms.